How to Make Money With YouTube

YouTube is one of the world’s largest video sharing websites. Millions of people use it every day to watch videos and share them with others. There’s a wide range of content on the platform, including music videos, game reviews, and home movies.

The best way to start using YouTube is by establishing a channel where you can upload your own videos, as well as other people’s videos that you like. You can then add your own custom thumbnails, set your privacy settings, and decide who can see your videos.

You can also create playlists that contain your videos and other people’s videos, which make them easier to find in the future. This works a lot like Facebook’s “Save for Later” feature, but is even better on YouTube.

Monetization is a big part of the YouTube business model, and it’s easy to make money from your videos if you follow the right monetization policies. To earn money with your videos, you need a channel that has at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months.

There are many ways to monetize your YouTube channels, from sponsored videos to ads that appear while your videos play to links in the description to a channel-wide affiliate program. But it’s important to be careful about how you monetize your channels so that you don’t break YouTube’s rules.

Creating an engaging video is the key to generating views and subscribers on YouTube. But you must get the viewer’s attention in the first few seconds to hook them and make them want to keep watching.

In order to do this, you should use a powerful video editing tool like Adobe Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas to create compelling titles and descriptions for your videos. These should be written with your audience in mind, and should encourage them to take a specific action after they’ve watched.

You’ll need to create a few different kinds of calls-to-action (CTAs) for your videos, and you’ll have to use them throughout the video. These can include links that lead to your website, a fundraising campaign, a merchandise store, and more.

Another popular option is to use annotations, which are clickable buttons that you can place at points in your video. These are especially useful if you’re doing something that requires a lot of interaction, like a tutorial or a demonstration.

Monitoring comments is also a good way to keep track of what people are saying about your videos, which can help you address issues or complaints quickly and effectively. It’s especially helpful if you’re dealing with trolls or other users who are making harassing comments or posts.

To monitor comments, you’ll need to sign into your YouTube account and use the built-in comment management system. But if you’re looking for a more comprehensive solution, there are third-party systems that can help you monitor all your videos’ comments in real-time, so you’ll be able to address them in a timely manner.